Showing posts with label Top employers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Top employers. Show all posts
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

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Problem Solving Skills: Use both Sides of Your Brain

Throughout your life you face problems, some are small, and others are bigger. Some you solve yourself, to find solutions for other problems you may seek help, from your parents, siblings, extended family, and friends or from your mentor, if you have any. You are likely to develop some problem solving skills.  Problem solving skills are also a part of a repertoire of a good employee, and Top employers want their employees to have some problem solving skills as well, along with good educational background, emotional intelligence and soft skills. They expect you to solve minor day to day problems at the workplace yourself. During the interview for a job you may have to face some questions or situations where your problem solving skills will be tested.

You need to use both right and left hand side of your brain to solve problems, in other words logical reasoning and imagination both play important part in the exercise.  When faced with a problem, you need to look at it dispassionately, in a level headed manner, consider all the facts and then look for a viable solutions. From Jobsdhamaka Consultant’s point of view, Take the example of something as mundane as losing keys of your bike. You have to go urgently because your girl friend is waiting for you or your friends are sending messages after messages and you are in hurry to leave and cannot find your bike keys.  What are going to do, blame your younger brother for taking your bike, or accuse your mother of hiding your keys or use logic and reasoning to solve the problem. You try to remember what you did when you came home late last night, and immediately recall that the keys dropped on the ground and you were too tired to pick it up, you rush to your room and fit it on the ground. Your problem is solved because you looked at it dispassionately. Keeping level head and looking for solutions is an important element of problem solving skills.